Do you think Dequba is a scam becouse they give 1000$ away for free?
This is the way how they can give the money for free.

You get 50 credits while signing up for basic account, just to get the taste how to use them. If you signup as Platinum Member you'll get 1,000 credits. Most of people ask how can they afford giving away 1,000 credits having $1,000.00 value. It's strange and weird for average observer but it's sophisticated system which allows them to give away credits and not lose money. How? Let me explain!

Member who signs as Platinum Member gets 1,000 credits. These credits are used or sold to other members. There are two kinds of credits selling (SC) and buying credits (BC). This combination allows at Fee of 0.6% - 1.9% to compensate amounts like that. Fee is charged when you are using their Payment Processing System or when you are withdrawing your commission fee. Given credits are also compensated through activities of all Members who are gathering credits through different activities. Yes, you are making for thousand produced credits 6 � 19 credits for them. These credits are stored and compensated on their side to cover 1,000 give away. It's complicated but it works. They are not magicians to create credits from nowhere; all they do is optimizing them to the fullest.

Members can monetize credits at partner sites after they are Platinum Members which takes at least 60 days (fraud prevention). Members can sell credits to brokers; they won't even deal with Basic Members because of it being too high risk. It's the same rule; they must be Platinum Members for at least 60 days. All Members can use (in the future) credits to get Merchandise and/or Services. You can see benefits which are limited per Membership. Unfortunately we reward only Platinum Members with the opportunity to Transfer credits, contact other Platinum Members and sell credits. They have to do that for Platinum members only because we can't track Basic Members and we can't prevent fraud.

Join to Dequba and make money at home!

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